About Us
What is Club Durham?
Club Durham provides your local sports club with easy access to all the support, advice, and guidance you need to successfully run your club. Using Club Durham, you can find access to a wide range of tools, training, and resources to help you understand how to manage your club, members, and volunteers.
Club Durham now also provides similar support to Youth & Community groups who deliver (or are looking to deliver) sport and physical activity in their communities.
This includes:
- Starting a new club
- Growing your club
- Club people
- Club management
- Club finances
- Club facilities
Who is Club Durham for?
Club Durham is a dedicated support service for County Durham based clubs, groups, or organisations. Click Register Your Club or Group to Club Durham if you are:
- Involved in a sports club, whether large or small, formal, or informal.
- Thinking about setting up a new club.
- A Youth or Community Group providing (or looking to provide) regular opportunities in Sport & physical activity.
- Active in sports development.
Who is Club Durham?
Club Durham consists of a group of partners working together to help you run your club, click on each to learn more.
Durham County Council Sport & leisure
Durham Community Action Homepage
For more information, please get in touch via this link Contact Us